Synesgy Platform

Use CRIF’s Synesgy ESG platform simply, directly and globally, taking national and international sustainability requirements into account.

We are convinced that sustainability is not just a passing trend, rather that it will influence the future of our society and our business life.

As experts in ESG assessments, we help companies , investors and consumers to reach sustainable decisions. Our innovative platform provides you with comprehensive information on adherence to sustainability principles, and even allows you to assess your entire supply chain.

Step into a world of responsible business, and join us in shaping a sustainable future!

The advantages of Synesgy


Official ESG criteria

Basic and sector-specific questionnaire

Secured by CRIF Rating

All online and in the Cloud

Assessment and development plan

Certificate for downloading

Local factors taken into account

Questionnaire checked by AI & Analytics team

Individual development plan for your business

Support & Consulting

Support from Switzerland

Personal contact

Adapted to suit Swiss regulations

Consulting for seamless integration


Certificate on the platform

Platform helps to create transparency

Clear dashboard

Supply chain management

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One significant tool in Synesgy’s success is the use of specific questionnaires, which are based on up-to-date, stringent references set by the global market regulations for ESG, such as UNGC, GRI, the UN’s 17 SDGs, EBA LOM and the EU taxonomy for sustainable activities.

Overall, the questionnaires are based on a two-stage approach. The first stage is a basic version with questions that relate to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and concentrate on the business side, and on the environmental, social and governance principles.

The second stage contains a sector-specific section, oriented towards the sector in which the business actually operates. In addition, the Synesgy questionnaire is also certified by the CRIF Rating Agency (CRA), which is recognised on the European level.

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Assessment and development plan

The final assessment from Synegsy provides the respondent with a score and a certificate, which can be downloaded directly from the platform. ESG performance is assessed using an overall score, which is subdivided into all five macro-areas of the questionnaire (business, environment, social, governance and sector). The business can then make use of the Synesgy action plan, which highlights the areas requiring further development in order to raise the standard of sustainability.

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Support & Consulting

Both automatic and manual checks are carried out to ensure the quality of the data and answers.

The platform is based on a warning system, which is built upon CRIF’s information resources and undertakes an automatic examination of the applicability and consistency of the details provided in the questionnaire.

When the warning system detects any inconsistencies, the respondent is asked for verification to confirm the replies given in the questionnaire.

Inconsistencies are processed by a team of experienced analysts, who will check the documentation and contact the respondent directly if necessary.

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One particular highlight of our platform is the certificate, which can be accessed by you, by an investor, by a customer or by a stakeholder. This certificate allows you to prove that you are committed to a sustainable business or collaboration. It is a symbol of your engagement and your support for businesses that are working actively for environmental protection, social justice and good business management.

Decision-critical information is aggregated and displayed in clear dashboards, allowing you to add properly substantiated data quickly to your sustainability report.

We invite you to explore Synesgy and benefit from the advantages of the ESG assessment. Together, we can build a more sustainable future.

The Synesgy certificate - why it is important

By obtaining the Synesgy certificate, you show your customers, suppliers and other stakeholders that you have taken the first step towards integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects into your business strategy. With initial certification, the score achieved is of secondary importance. It is much more important that you have now made an initial assessment and can take concrete measures.

The legal regulations that will apply from 2024 will not only affect large companies, but also small companies that are active in the supply chains of large companies. By obtaining certification at an early stage, you can not only avoid potential stress, but also secure your place in the supply chain from the outset.

Stakeholder requirements

Larger companies are under pressure to scrutinise their suppliers for sustainability. ESG certification can secure you a place in their supply chain.

Reputation & market value

ESG certification can improve your company's reputation, increase stakeholder confidence and reduce the potential for bad publicity.


ESG also deals with the identification and management of risks, from environmental hazards to potential social problems in your company.

Supply chain & B2B relationships

Larger companies are under pressure to scrutinise their suppliers for sustainability. ESG certification can secure you a place in their supply chain.

Score Overview

The Synesgy score model developed by CRIF Ratings – the authorised ratings agency – makes it possible to produce a simple illustration of  the points achieved in the five macro-areas of the questionnaire (business, environment, social, governance and sector).

The separate areas are combined into an “overall score”, which represents an aggregate assessment.
If companies want to assess their supplier chain, Synesgy offers ESG performance dashboards, where companies can view and analyse the scores achieved by their suppliers in the various different areas.

Synesgy Zertifikat

The Synesgy score is determined after completion of the questionnaire, and is quoted on the certificate. This can then be downloaded directly from the digital platform and shared on websites and in the supply chain.

The Synesgy certificate is valid for 12 months. A new assessment should be undertaken at the end of this period (or as required).

In addition, the certificate is also accompanied by the Synesgy report, which contains a comprehensive analysis of the individual environmental, social and governance areas, together with the associated sections on the industrial sector to which the business belongs. All of these help in the establishment of the ESG sore and the relative ranking.