Synesgy's central concern is transparency and collaboration in order to promote a cultural change in terms of sustainability, ethical behavior and governance.
To achieve these goals, Synesgy is part of a sustainable network.
öbu is the oldest and most established Swiss business association for sustainable business. öbu supports business leaders in bringing corporate practice in Switzerland closer to the SDGs and promotes a productive exchange.
Synesgy joined öbu in May 2024.
Visit the website here.
Global Reporting Initiative is a standard framework for CSR reporting, and is used by over 1000 companies worldwide. The GRI was brought into being in 1997 to help businesses with the reporting of ecological, social and economic effects of their business activities.
Visit the website here.
The Swisscleantech business association is home to about 500 members across a variety of sectors. Its members are involved in climate protection issues and have signed the charter. Working together, they guide politics and society and are helping to ensure that Switzerland will be CO2-neutral by 2050.
This approach makes it possible to combine business activity with consideration for climate and the environment.
Visit the website here.
The aim of the ASviS (the Italian Alliance for sustainable development), which has evolved from an initiative by the Fondazione Unipolis and the “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, is to increase awareness of the importance of sustainable development in the society, economic structures and institutions of Italy, specifically through the inclusion of ASviS in a network of all those working to achieve one or more of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the 169 targets of the Global Agenda that was adopted by the United Nations in September 2015; this should contribute to the establishment of a suitable national strategy to be achieved by 2030.
Synesgy was adopted as a partner in the ASviS network in June 2022.
Visit the website here.
Synesgy is a member of the Sustainable Switzerland Entrepreneurs Club
Sustainable Switzerland connects business, science and society to find solutions that contribute to the visibility of sustainable development.
Through its new membership in the Sustainable Switzerland Entrepreneurs Club, Synesgy can benefit from a close exchange with other companies committed to a sustainable economy in Switzerland. In this way, we can promote sustainability together.
Visit the website here.
Synesgy is member of the Swiss Risk Association
The Swiss Risk Association offers an open platform for targeted risk management. In addition to a networking forum and events. The Swiss Risk Association facilitates the exchange of knowledge and information in the field of risk management.
In view of the increasing importance of sustainability, particularly in the financial sector, the topic of ESG is examined from a risk perspective. The focus is on how environmental, social and governance risks affect the financial industry.
Through this collaboration, we are pleased to add a new perspective on risk management to our ESG offering.
Visit the website here.