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CRIF & Sustainability

A regulatory storm is currently raging in Europe (and globally) amid the swirl of international standards, such as SDGs, GRIs, the EBA guidelines, EU Taxonomy and German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, the LKSG. The Swiss market is still much less regulated by comparison, though large corporations do have to provide a certain level of non-financial disclosure in Switzerland too.

IMPLEMENTATION OF THESE NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS IS CHALLENGING, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO THE PROVISION OF DATA in existing CUSTOMER PORTFOLIOS and in local and international SUPPLY CHAINS. This is because of the lack of local regulation, which means that there are few pressure points and little awareness of the ESG subject matter.

CRIF is supporting efforts towards greater sustainability, transparency and ESG reporting on both the national and international level by providing APPROPRIATE SOLUTIONSESG DATA AND ESG WORKSHOPS. These solutions are available TO SMEs AS WELL AS LARGE CORPORATIONS, ON A NEEDS-ORIENTED BASIS.



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Crif Tagline

CRIF is a leading data provider in the financial services sector, employing a workforce of over 6,500 employees across a global presence. The intelligence we provide helps our customers to evaluate the risk involved in credit arrangements between buyers and sellers of products and services; it contains detailed information about businesses and individuals worldwide. While we adhere to the strict directives of the relevant data protection legislation, CRIF is also an expert in data analysis, and we have used this experience, together with publicly-available references and our own data sources, to calculate ESG assessments.

To find out more about us, simply click on the link.

Principio Economia Circolare

We work extensively with a powerful network of partners, and are members of all the relevant, globally recognised and regionally established sustainability associations. 

In the “About us” and “Memberships” sections (which you can reach by clicking on the link below) you can read more about our involvement in this regard.

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Our ESG range, which includes our ESG scores, our Synesgy ESG platform and our own consulting provision, is aimed at providing you with the best possible options and the greatest added value at all times.

We will only achieve change and make a significant contribution for our customers if we work together. This is why we cooperate in our CRIF ESG universe with top-quality sector specialists and highly professional experts – supplying everything from academic foresight to banking expertise to software services – to ensure you enjoy sustainable success. 

Click on this link for an overview of our Partners.


Click here for our ESG Range